modcup blog

Big in Korea - How a Small New Jersey Roaster Began Selling Coffee in South Korea

Modcup‘s popularity has expanded well beyond its humble beginnings as a small coffee cart on the streets of New Jersey, with a cafe in Korea pushing orders of our award-winning roasts.  

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modcup October Subscription Box

Take a closer look at the coffees shipping out with the October modcup coffee subscription service!

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Nurturing Natural Love

According to Dr Manuel Diaz we need to change how we think of natural coffees.    He believes that despite recent increase in popularity, they are still underrated and underpriced. Diaz, a coffee researcher with three decades of experience and a PhD from the London School of Economics, has been looking into the issue for a while.    In natural/dry processing, the flesh of the cherry is removed from the seeds (beans) without the use of water. To do this, the cherries must be laid out in the sun to dry until they reach around 11% moisture content. During this time, they will ferment. Then at...

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FAC01 Coffee is a Fruit

Before we talk about anything coffee, let's get FAC(t)01 on the table. The coffee bean is actually a seed, the seed of the coffee cherry/berry.  Coffee is a Fruit. It's remarkable that so many people that drink coffee every day have no idea about this. It's also remarkable that so much coffee out there tastes nothing like fruit at all. In fact, so much of it tastes nothing like fruit, that when we point this out to our customers they find it hard to believe. As the founder and owner of a coffee company, I am not ashamed to admit that...

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